(940) 382-5532
Roselawn Holiday Hours (Office Only):
Christmas: Closed 12/24,/12/25,/12/26
New Years: Closed 12/31, 1/1
We hope you have a blessed holiday season.
Roselawn Memorial Park
Rules & Regulations
To assist Roselawn in its endeavor to maintain the park, the following is a summary of the rules and regulations that
have been adopted. Roselawn Memorial Park reserves the right to adopt new rules and regulations at any time and to amend, alter, or repeal any rule or regulation listed.
A deed of interment rights in Roselawn Memorial Park conveys to the owner the exclusive right of sepulcher therein
and conveys no other interest in the real property of Roselawn.

An amount equal to the cost of the grave space must be paid in full before an interment may be made therein. Titleto a lot will not be passed to the purchaser until full and final payment has been made according to the salescontract. Any contract becoming delinquent three months invalidates the contract, and any money already paid willbe forfeited. Any transfer or change of ownership of property must be cleared through the office at Roselawn.
All interments in Roselawn Memorial Park shall be enclosed in a permanent steel vault or concrete vault or concrete box.
Roselawn Memorial Park will not be held liable for error in the execution of interment instructions given by
telephone. In the event of an error in interment, Roselawn shall have the right, without liability, to make
disinterment, removal, and re-interment to another grave space.
Placement of artificial flowers in proper containers is permissible in Roselawn Memorial Park. As long as the
flowers are in proper containers, they will not be removed until they become unsightly. Cut flowers are permissible, but will be disposed of when the flowers die. Flowers, plants, bulbs and shrubs are prohibited from being planted on or near a gravesite. Easels and wreaths may be used on special holidays. Seasonal decorations must be removed within a month after the occasion; otherwise they will be removed by the cemetery. CROSSES, SHEPHERDS HOOKS, SOLAR LIGHTSAND PINWHEELS ARE NOT ALLOWED.
Flower vases such as tin cans, jars, bottles, or glass vases are not permitted. The cemetery is not responsible for any such unauthorized containers, and they will be removed and disposed of in accordance with the regular maintenance work schedule. Any other type of decoration placed on the gravesite or memorial that in any way interferes with mowing or maintenance will be removed. Any decorations, benches, or other forms of ornamentation must be
approved by Roselawn personnel before placing at a gravesite. Any GLASS or breakable decorations are prohibited and will be removed immediately. Benches are not permitted except those authorized in the cemetery office. Only benches in granite will be approved. Benches must be ordered through Roselawn.
Each garden in Roselawn Memorial Park is designed and dedicated for a particular type of memorial. No marker will be allowed that does not conform to the requirements for memorials in the particular garden in which it is to be placed. Roselawn reserves the right to prohibit the installation of any memorial that may be considered inappropriate either in height, design, material, or workmanship. (Die: 24" Tall, Maximum Height/ Base: 6” Tall, Maximum Height – unless specified otherwise)
The opening and closing of graves and the installation of all markers shall be done by Roselawn personnel.
Roselawn Memorial Park will not be held liable for damage done to monuments or other property belonging to lot owners or the desecration of graves when such is done by vandals or by nature or other causes beyond the control of Roselawn. Burials will not be conducted on Sundays.
Roselawn Memorial Park will order burial markers no later than 21 days after at least one-half of the purchase price has been paid and the interment space at which the marker is to be placed is completely paid for. All designs and lettering are to be approved before the marker is ordered.
Roselawn Memorial Park will set your flat marker not later than 15 days after you have paid in full all charges for the marker and interment spaces, including required perpetual care and/or any setting fees. Roselawn Memorial Park will set your upright monument not later than 25 days after you have paid in full all charges for the marker and interments spaces, including required perpetual care and/or any setting fees.
If Roselawn Memorial Park is unable to set your burial marker or monument by the aforementioned deadlines, we will notify you in writing not later than the 5th day after the date by which your marker or monument is required to be set and inform you of the reason for the delay, and the date by which Roselawn expects to be able to set your marker or monument.
No individual consideration that interferes with mowing or maintaining the grounds will be permitted. Roselawn has full authority regarding any decisions pertaining to maintenance of the gardens.
All persons are reminded that Roselawn Memorial Park is a sacred place. Quiet and reverence should be observed at all times. The Park is designed and maintained for the living as well as the deceased and the cooperation of all those whose interests are here will help make your cemetery more beautiful as the years go by.
Thank you for your cooperation.